I once found the meaning of life in a singular moment of time enshrouded in a canvas of blue
It was almost a decade ago and I was visiting the Blue Mountains just outside of Sydney (fun fact: they’re actually blue!)
As I walked through the stunning trails of this unique mountainside there was no one else around, just my friend and I walking amidst the sweet melody of nature immersed into the silent stillness of the landscape
As our sneakers crunched on the fallen leaves that lined the winding path, the leaves on the trees glistened and danced to the beat of a golden afternoon breeze.
I paused as I inhaled the perfection of the moment.. I get it
I realized in that moment that what lay before me was the ultimate miracle of life.

Below me were the browning leaves of a life already lived. In front of me were the promising shoots of a life that was yet to reach its prime. All around me were the birds and butterflies flourishing in their heyday, and buried deep in the ground were the seeds of future potential life.
I realized that in that moment I was staring at the biggest miracle that has ever existed in life. I was gazing upon the very flow of life itself, in action, through each and every perfectly interwoven piece of nature in every stage of the cycle of life.
Everything in that forest simply just was. The shoots on the ground didn’t sit around wishing they were butterflies. The seeds in the soil weren’t impatiently waiting to have their turn as trees. The decaying leaves continued to nurture the remaining ecosystem in their final days of existence on Earth.
In that moment I was able to step into a deep appreciation of the present moment, and to recognize how all the stages of life peacefully co-existed, each in their own right and perfection, all at the same time.
I think it’s fair to say that in the journey of entrepreneurship there is a heralding of the butterfly. There is a yearning, a striving, to be the best, the boldest, the loudest, the most successful, the highest earning, the most award winning business, and the number 1 everything.
This is both the greatest gift and equally the greatest folly of the high-achieving visionary entrepreneur.

I am so grateful I had this experience and insight many years ago. Still to this day I remind myself of the perfection of that moment. I remind myself that it’s okay to be in every stage.
A few years ago I remember getting very frustrated when my business wasn’t profiting the way I wanted it to. You wanna know what my guides said to me at that time?
They said “Eesha, we know you don’t like this very much and we can see this isn’t a very enjoyable experience for you… but the best advice we can give your right now is to embrace the phase you’re in now, because once you move on from this stage you will never be back here again, and there will come a day where you will look back and even miss these good old times.”
I’m not sure I entirely believed at the time
I get it now though. I have since passed that wisdom on to my clients who have come to me with their frustrations, their struggles, and their desires to be anywhere but right here right now.
Life comes in seasons and flows. The truth is, you can’t really get it wrong. The part you get to choose is whether you flow with trust and acceptance, or weather you struggle through life second guessing, controlling and resisting each step along the way.
As for inner peace… well if you can’t feel peace right now in your current situation no amount of x-figure months, awards or achievements will get you there. True peace is found in the acceptance of the now.
I found peace long before I found profit. In fact it’s that very vibrational of inner stillness that allowed me to move past the inner resistances, to then take the actions necessary to move into a different experience of life.
Under the right conditions the caterpillar will always turn into a butterfly and a rose bud will always bloom into a beautiful rose.

The best thing you can do is set yourself up with the right people and environment which will then allow your natural blossoming to occur at the perfect and most natural time for you. (hint: Mentors & community – surround yourself by those doing great things and you will naturally flourish in such an environment)
Focus on finding that stillness and rest of the path will unfold.
Are you ready to move out of the struggles of the mundane and into the miracle of life? Reach out and we can chat whether or not you’d be a fit for our growing community of spiritually minded thriving entrepreneurs.