3 Key Flows of Abundance

When it comes to abundance there are 3 key energy flows, and the one big shadow flow, that you need to know in order to understand how abundance is (or isn’t) flowing through you… read on…

All three energy flows are absolutely vital and each must flow in harmony with the others. Since abundance flows like a water through a pipeline, if ANY of these flows are blocked, the whole pipeline will be blocked.

Just to be clear, abundance is not just money. True abundance is a flow of all resources and energy in-flowing and out-flowing. For the purposes of explaining these flows I will use use money as an example as it’s very tangible and something we can all relate to.

Normally, I only teach this kind of stuff in depth in my paid courses and workshops, so why don’t you imagine right now that you’re doing one of my courses and treat this like a mini workshop experience.

Get your pen and paper out and as you’re reading post this take note of which area feels most blocked for you. At the end of this post I’ll show you how you can unblock your money flow and activate your highest wealth potential.

1. The Abundance Flow of Giving
This is the the frequency through which money flows outwards from you. I’m not just talking about gifts here. The energy of giving includes all outgoing monetary expenses, including your bills, taxes and daily expenditure.

A healthy giving flow looks like
– Paying bills on time
– Paying bills with gratitude
– Having a positive energy and mindset each time your money flows out of your wallet or bank account

The fastest ways to blow your abundance flow are
– Waiting until the very last second to pay your bills
– Complaining about bills (like having a whinge about paying your taxes)
– Mismanaging your flow of money such that you end up constantly having chargebacks on your account

Unhealthy giving is also giving when you don’t really feel like giving but you choose to give from a place of obligation. This creates the shadow of taking/being taken from. We’ll get to this later on when we talk about the shadow flow. Upholding healthy boundaries around your giving flow – and clearly communicating them – is just as important as receiving.

Remember – when your giving flow is out of order it creates disharmony with somebody else’s receiving flow. And guess what? When your outflow is blocked, you can be sure this is affecting the inflow of your abundance pipeline.

Disharmony attracts more disharmony, et voila a cycle of disharmony that you need to get out of.

To disrupt the cycle of disharmony and create a healthy money flow start by paying bills on time. This often goes hand in hand with setting a budget, STICKING TO IT, and knowing when your bills are coming in so you can be prepared in advance.

2. The Abundance Flow of Receiving
The capacity to receive with grace is a vital skill in order to have your money flowing

Have you ever been out with a friend and they offer to buy you lunch, but you insist that you couldn’t accept their offer and end up splitting the bill?

Yeah, I’ve done that countless times in the past.

Not anymore though. Now that I understand how abundance flows I know it’s important to be able to receive just as much as it is important to give generously.

You see, when somebody else is in their giving flow and they genuinely want to gift something, it’s important to allow that flow to occur.

I know that when I allow myself to receive gifts it also boosts my desire to give, thus create a healthy ecosystem of giving and receiving around me.

However, true receiving comes from a place of no expectation. It’s simply a delightful experience, a pleasant surprise that comes with no strings attached.

As soon as you bring in EXPECTATION into receiving it’s not true receiving and can create blockages. This falls into the shadow of desire without having the courage to ask, which brings us to the third flow of abundance.

3. The Abundance Flow of Asking
Sometimes in life we want things. It’s human nature to want things and you’re allowed to have your own desires.

However, if don’t ask for what you want but you’re expecting to receive it this is one of the fastest ways to create resentment and negative energy in your abundance flow.

Clear communication, whether that be with people, yourself, or the universe, is extremely important if you want to flow in the highest flow of abundance. Examples of asking include:
– Requesting a pay rise
– Asking your friend to give you a ride
– Asking your neighbour to help with the kids so you can have a night off

..and so on.

Healthy asking is a request made with love, and healthy asking also leaves room for the other party to say no. Remember, just because you’ve asked doesn’t mean they have to say yes.

However, unhealthy asking goes into the territory of demanding and taking, which brings us to The Shadow Flow.

4. The Shadow Flow of Taking
Taking and receiving can often be mistaken for one another, however it’s really important to know the difference between the two. The biggest difference between taking and receiving is the permission and willingness from the person who is giving. Keeping this flow in check is an essential part of creating a healthy flow of abundance.

For example, if you need a ride to the airport and you ask your best friend and they say “oh yeah of course, I’d love to” then that shifts into a healthy flow of giving and receiving.

However, if you ask your friend for a ride to the airport and they say “I’m sorry, I’m busy that day” and then you beg and plead and remind them of the time where you did something for them and you guilt them into saying yes, that’s called taking because they clearly didn’t really want to do it. In this scenario, the ride is not being offered freely, therefore you are in the energy of taking.

While receiving comes from grace and gratitude, taking often comes from a place of entitlement and/or control.

Sometimes people fall into an energy of taking if they believe they are not truly worth or deserving of receiving.

Ironically, I’ve seen people who are terrible at receiving who then go and take as they please because there’s this underlying energy of “if I don’t go out there and get what I want myself nobody else is going to give it to me”. This type of thinking can get unhealthy very quickly.

Of course there’s a difference between going to mum’s house on the weekend and eating the leftovers in the fridge without asking versus demanding, guilt tripping or point blank stealing something that clearly wasn’t yours to take. (Though if you’re in my parent’s home it’s practically expected that you will eat before you leave).

Look, if you are consistently in the energy of taking it prevents you from seeing what the universe is actually giving you. While you’re over here taking things that are clearly not being given freely you are seeing and allowing yourself to receive.

When you are truly in a healthy flow of giving and receiving and when you learn how to have a healthy relationship with asking, you don’t need to take anymore.

Transitioning from a flow of taking to a flow of receiving is as simple as pausing and taking stock of what you already you have and being grateful for that.

Sometimes we are so busy trying to take the things we think we want when the universe is probably trying to give you something better but you’re just not seeing it.

In fact, one of my biggest issues in the manifestation space is when I see coaches teaching that to get what you want want you have to demand and expect it from the universe. Personally, I find this very childish and spiritually immature behaviour. While this method does work and you probably will manifest what you want, the energy of taking will never bring you the joy and delight of simply being open to receive the gifts that are being bestowed upon you daily. That’s why I quit manifesting. When I realised I had everything I could ever want I stepped into a full state of gratitude and receivership and now the universe just gives me everything I could ever desire before I even know I want it. But let’s leave the manifesting rant for another day.

So now that you’ve learned the 3 key flows of abundance, which area feels the most blocked for you?

Are you ready now for the next step of learning how to unblock your flow and receive more abundance?

Love & hugs,
