The Six Key Principles of Origin Activation

How do you heal your soul?

How do you recover from emotional trauma?

How do you finally get freedom from pain or illness?

Whether it is you asking these questions for yourself, or for the clients that you work with – be prepared to have them all answered!

Before we begin, I need to share one fundamental truth with you:

The only person who can heal you is… you.

You are the only one that can change your everyday reality. Neither time nor the presence of a healer can truly heal you or make you whole in the long run. Most of the work is done in simply being open and willing to receive. People have spontaneous healings because they are willing to receive that.

YOU heal you!

There’s a story in a book called “The Divine Matrix” by Gregg Braden about a monk. He sits down, closes his eyes, and begins to visualize his reality. He tells the people around him that he has immense strength, and asks them to try and push him over. One of them tries, and can’t. Then several of them try to push him over, and they simply can’t do it. 

Baffled by this, they ask him what he did. He tells them “I simply closed my eyes, and in that moment, I was sitting on a mountain. I was tied to the mountain. And I WAS the mountain.” And because that consciousness was so strong, because his conviction about his truth was so strong, nothing in his external reality could affect him or change that.

His consciousness perpetuated the truth that he was, in fact, the mountain. Strong. Immovable. Unshakeable.

We are part of a shared consciousness

The first thing I realized in my work is that the majority of people that are trying to heal others, are sadly, not doing it the right way. With the best intentions and all the work, it is still possible that you won’t get the results you want.

This is because when someone approaches us, and they tell us that they’re sick, or ill, or in pain, and we come into alignment with that, our projection actually impacts their reality. When we view someone as not whole, we are fundamentally perpetuating that reality upon them – and rarely will healing take place in such a scenario.
We are in a shared consciousness. This means that we are creating our reality, but we are also co-creating reality with everyone else. Before we begin applying any of these principles, we need to start seeing people as whole. The amazing thing is that our minds are so capable of viewing people in their wholeness, that they can be healed just by a result of our conviction, like the monk in the story. If our conviction of a person’s state is that strong, it is possible for it to alter their reality, and for them to be healed simply by entering our energy field.

How does it happen?

This is where origin activation becomes key. Through six key principles, you can transform your energy and the energy of the world around you, and alter the reality that you live and operate in. Origin Activation is a philosophy before it is a modality or a tool. It is an understanding of how healing happens.

1. You Are Not A Healer

The moment you put yourself in the position of a healer, you are saying that the other person needs to be healed. You are viewing them as less than, as incomplete, as unwell. This means you are already adding to that reality by your convictions.

The moment we stop viewing ourselves as healers and instead, as a channel or as energy, you will begin to see the shift happen. People won’t need to tell you what their problem is, you won’t need to know their story, but they will be able to walk into a room, meet you, and be healed.

2. You Are Already Whole

In my experience, I have seen the difference this makes over and over. When someone shows up, and they tell me a story, or talk to me about some pain or challenge, I am choosing to believe that they are whole. That they are well.

There is nothing else in my reality, and I am so convicted about it, it becomes true for the other person. The moment they step into my energy, their reality has to shift and adapt to mine. I hold onto these convictions so strongly, that they have no choice. The healing happens on its own, simply because I choose to view every individual as whole.

3. You Are The Space

We’ve all heard the term ‘holding space’. Think of ‘holding space’ as an intentionally created energetic container or “cocoon” in which those people holding that intention are generating an energetic signature powerful enough to form and create that space for others to benefit and operate in.

One of the key principles of origin activation is that you ARE the space. You become the energy that moves through everything to facilitate transformation. This is why it can take place anywhere in the world, whether in a room with everyone together, or across a computer screen.

4. Everything Aligns To The Highest Vibration

Everything aligns to the highest vibration. All energies want to go back to their source. It’s the same with us in life, people are always seeking truth. They always want to return to their origin.

Through the tools and practices, I have expanded my vibrations to become so high, that it impacts health, finances, pretty much every arena of life. Initially, you can’t do this on your own. You need someone to transfer the energy to you, someone to hold the space for you while you grow, until you are empowered to do the same.

By surrounding yourself with high vibrations, your field will automatically align to that. This is why mass healings happen at group events.

5. Everything Originates From Source And Can Therefore Go Back To It

Everything is energy, and is united. If you are currently feeling disconnected from source, having a strong conviction can change that. People can instantly shift back to source by being in contact with the source.

6. Healing Happens Instantly

Healing can happen in an instant. There is nothing stopping healing from occurring apart from what’s in your mind and not being in the right frequency. By opening yourself up, and being in alignment, you won’t have to struggle or push for it – healing will happen on its own. You can attain this for yourself, and you can facilitate this for rooms of people.

Origin Alignment helps people break free from what limits them in life and business. It’s a powerful, energetic healing modality that allows people to open themselves up to all 13 dimensions of the Universe. Following this six key principles will allow the world around you to awaken at mass scale.