Is the coaching industry broken?

When I first started teaching and mentoring what I saw was a world that seemed inherently broken.

I looked at the world around me and I saw pain and suffering, a world where people were so disconnected from who they truly are that they couldn’t even see how they’d be able to step out into a new reality.

And of course I wanted to do something about it. So I began teaching people what I know and what knew back then was how to meditate and how much that had changed my life.

So I taught meditation and I thought that if I could teach everybody what I know then the world would be a much better place and I thought that that’s how I would solve the problem.

Thus I set off on my adventure. I ran classes and sessions and bit by bit I watched people having the biggest life changing experiences by attending my classes and sessions.

And everything was going great!

… until I hit the next problem where I realised there’s no way I’d be able to single-handedly facilitate enough sessions and classes (which were in person at the time) to reach everybody on this planet.

Hence the birth of Origin Activation, a training to train the trainers so that they could go out and continue what I’d started and I thought “aha, this is my ticket to solving the problem!”

And I did that and it was great!

…until I hit the next problem

I had trained all these facilitators but then they needed the business skills to get out there and get clients, and so I introduced business coaching into my model, and I thought that would solve it, but then I hit another problem, and then I solved that, and then guess what? I hit another fucking problem!

And I kept going like this for YEARS

…and then it hit me

The entire coaching industry is based on the fundamental premise that people have problems

Every conversation I was having was around helping people solve problems

I mean, I get it… I went straight out of high school into an engineering degree, and the entire premise of my learning was based on problem-solving. It was all I had ever known. People build bridges to solve problems, but I’d never seen anybody build a bridge just because it’s fun to build.

But I had to ask myself… what if there was a better way?

What would happen if I stopped believing that the world had problems?

What if I stopped believing that people have problems?

Better yet, what would happen if I stopped being the person that was trying to solve all the problems?
Well the first thing that came to mind was that I’d be out of a job, that my business would fall apart if I wasn’t helping other people solve problems, and that scared me a little.

But I had to get a grip on myself and the more I questioned the possibility of an alternate reality, the more I realised it was indeed possible.

You know, everybody talks about the 5D vibration, a higher way to live life, and from what I know of 5D frequency is that this concept of “problems” doesn’t actually exist in that state.

So if we as coaches aren’t building our businesses from a place of solving problems, what alternate reality is there?

Great question, I’m glad you asked.

You see, if you as a coach are constantly focusing on solving problems your energy is largely placed on the problem, and where attention goes energy flows so what do you think would have happened if you were constantly focusing on problems? Created more fucking problems!

And that’s how I ended up in a cycle of never-ending problems to solve and every time I thought I had solved something I stared in the face of yet another problem, and it was exhausting.

So let’s cut to the chase now… after solving problem after problem I realised that the model was broken.

I realised that I needed to step out of problem into what I now know is pure creation state.

I stopped building things to solve problems and started creating things just because it was fun to do so.

I went from being the engineer of my business to the artist of my life.

I created a world around me that is filled with love, joy and beauty. I brought in more laughter, fun and play.

The best part? When I created the world that I wanted to live in, suddenly there were no more problems.

Does life still happen? Yes. But I no longer live in a paradigm viewed through the lens of a world filled with problems.

I see joy, creation, opportunity and potential around every corner. I magically meet all the right humans at the right time to help bring my fun projects to life.

And the money? It just shows up. True abundance is always aligned to the highest creations.

And what happened to all the problems that I thought I had?

Well I decided to try something new, and I built my bridge (just for funsies), and I got over it.

Your new reality starts here>>