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Official Bio
Eesha Patel is a spiritual coach and mentor who has practised and taught meditation as well as energetic healing for more than 20 years. She’s an international energy healer, author, channeler, and spiritual coach who has worked with world-class entrepreneurs and coaches who run multi-million dollar businesses.
She created her own multi-dimensional and energetic healing modality called Origin Activation to help others break free from their barriers and access all 13 dimensions.
Though she helps high-level entrepreneurs break through to their next business’ goals, she’s most gratified by serving alongside her clients in their shared mission of bringing more light into the world and raising the planet’s vibrations.
Within the last five years, Eesha’s worked with more than 10,000 people to become leaders in Origin Activation and meet their Higher Selves.
Topics of Expertise
Eesha helps people greet their higher selves and step into the full light of their being.

Spiritual Awakening

Our Multidimensional Universe

Energy Healing

How to Access the Fifth Dimension

Media Inquiries
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