The Lion’s Gate is open! We just a few days shy of the peak on 8th August and the energies are running high. I’ve had some incredible meditations with threads of golden light weaving through my heart. It’s so blissful! Are you feeling it too?
Each year the Lion’s Gate brings into focus these beautiful feline friends from the Lyra constellation.
This year we also have Vulpecula, the little fox constellation, in focus. I woke up this morning to two posts on my facebook feed featuring these orange foxes. When energies are coming into close convergence I will often see multiple instances of the same thing in very close succession. I saw these two posts within a minute of each other from two completely unrelated sources which immediately brought my focus towards Vulpecula.

Vulpecula happens to be right next to Lyra (I didn’t know this until this morning after I looked it up) so it’s not surprising that it’s coming up for this gateway.

This picture is vibrationally aligned to the energies we are focussing on:

Also in the vicinity is the Cygnus (Swan) constellation which came up into mild focus last gateway. This picture was taken near my house on the day of the 7/7 gateway and contains both Cygnus (swan) energies and turtle (from Eridanus/Archernar) energies.

We also have Saturn currently in focus with the blue/gold hexagon. This morning somebody by the surname ‘Dewolfe’ (I see a theme here with foxes, wolves and dogs), got into a conversation with me about some cult that worships the Saturn hexagon. I won’t put details here as the energy behind the group is really not great, but it did prompt me to look into Saturn a bit more.
Saturn has come up quite a bit lately, especially since the 4/4 gateway. At the 4/4/ Gateway event I was shown the ‘golden honeycomb’, a geometry that resembles something like a soccer ball that transitions from light blue to turquoise to gold. This geometry is all about connecting with a 6D vibration and is connected with the golden honeybees.
Saturn has a perfectly shaped hexagon that has been photographed since the 70s however it’s colour (and vibration) has changed significantly since then. Interestingly, I found this 2016 article about Saturn which says the colour of the Saturn hexagon has magically changed from blue to gold. Cool, huh?

I also found some other images of Saturn with a less great vibration and a big red storm in the centre. I won’t post them here but it’s not surprising after seeing those images that Saturn has a dark cult attached to it. As it currently stands the energy of Saturn is now amazing so anybody focussing into that hexagon will be attuning to some very high vibrational energies so when Dewolfe was telling me about this Saturn cult he’s part of I didn’t even bat an eyelid or bother launching into explanations of vibrational frequencies, knowing that tuning into the now high-vibe Saturn hexagon is probably good for them all.
Love & hugs,