How to Choose an Elite Spiritual Mentor

Your spiritual mentor should help you form a stronger sense of spirituality and self-awareness. A mentor should help you find what is missing, enabling you to return to true alignment.

The right mentor is going to impact your business, relationships, career, finances, and life.

A relationship with a mentor is more than just a life coach, though. When you are taking on a spiritual mentor, you are actually entering their energy field. They will be impacting all areas of your life, so you need to make sure they are the right fit in every way.

It’s okay to be skeptical.

You should be asking all the hard questions.

10 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Good Spiritual Mentor

A mentor shouldn’t be chosen lightly. There are many questions you should ask, but here are 10 important ones you can use to get started in your journey to find a guide to the universe.

Is that person where you want to be?

Spiritual mentors are not perfect and will have faults, but their overarching direction should be something you align with. If the mentor isn’t in a place you desire, you aren’t going to completely trust their advice. Everyone is going to teach from a place of personal experience.

In order to help you arrive, they need to already have made the journey themselves.

Do they follow similar beliefs and values to yours?

Look at their personality traits, relationships, personal lifestyle, and beliefs to see the path they will take you down. What do they believe about religion, church, spirituality, morality, and culture? They don’t have to completely align with you, but their perspective should be compatible. If they aren’t coming from a place you respect, you won’t fully benefit from their teachings.

Find someone with a similar understanding of the world, or they will be working from a fundamentally different place.

Are they practicing what they teach?

It’s easy to say many of the right things and not truly practice your own advice. If you are choosing a spiritual mentor, this should be a requirement. You are going to take on the energetic traits of your mentor past their words alone.

Be vigilant in finding guides that hold fast to their own teachings.

How successfully has this mentor been able to lead other people?

Not all practicing experts are skilled at passing it on to others. There are many self-proclaimed gurus, but not all are able to lead effectively. To be able to teach and guide another, you have to have a foot in both realms (spiritual and physical).

Consider case studies and personal reviews that will clarify the effectiveness of your mentor’s ability to lead.

Do they really listen to you?

There are some spiritual mentors who are very passionate about what they have to share. Some will be far more interested in passing down knowledge than in really listening to where you are at. If your mentor doesn’t tune in to your vibrations, concerns, and challenges, then you are not going to progress effectively. You might notice that a mentor will nod, yet their mind will be in a completely different place and their answers won’t fill your need.

Find a mentor that is able to hear you on the deepest level and approach guidance with your needs in mind.

Does this person have a spiritual mentor of their own?

While there is something to be said for a mentor that is able to create his or her own work, it’s not a strength for them to be journeying alone. What guides and connections does your mentor have? The mentor they choose for their own will say a lot about their own direction. Also, having a mentor shows some humility—they aren’t trying to approach life as the singular answer.

Your mentor should be actively pursuing personal growth.

Have they handled hardships and personal challenges in a mature way?

The way a mentor handles challenges and disappointments is going to tell you a lot about how they put their understanding into practice. It’s far easier to feel balanced and secure when you are in a good place. This can shine through if you find some past clients or students who were upset with their performance. How did your mentor respond to negative (and possibly unfair) criticism? You can also ask your mentor about personal challenges they’ve faced and how they resolved them.

Look for a mentor that holds fast to their perspective even in the most difficult circumstances.

Is there a personal connection?

The vibrations have to be in sync from the start or the relationship will be harder than necessary. A natural chemistry (or aligned energies) is something you should look for in a mentor. How does the connection feel? If the relationship is uncomfortable or forced in any way, it won’t be as powerful.

Find a mentor who intuitively connects with your energy.

Is there candidness and honesty?

There are spiritual leaders out there who promise to help and then send you a bunch of filmed course content. Offering content is beautiful and a really valuable way to learn in between sessions, but it isn’t enough if you are looking for a mentor. You are not a one-size-fits-all situation that can grow effectively with a pre-recorded video series. Canned responses aren’t nearly as effective as in-person (or live virtual) sessions. A mentor needs to have those personal, one-on-one coaching moments with you to really help you make progress.

A great teacher is going to offer off-the-cuff answers that are helpful in meeting your needs.

What do you want from a mentor?

A mentor should be an overall example of what you want to achieve, but you should know where you want to focus the work and gain the results. Most mentors are going to have “niche” areas they specialize in. Do you want help with affluence? Are you looking for someone to hold space for you? Do you want a life coach? Setting your intentions now will make it much easier to determine early on if a spiritual mentor is the right fit.

While a mentor will impact every area of life, you should have a clearly defined goal for the relationship from the very start.

Finding the Right Pioneering Spiritual Mentor

There are a lot of guides out there—now more than ever.

The internet has opened up a myriad of platforms that enable teachers of all kinds to find and hold captive audiences. Be very careful when entrusting your journey to someone. Every second of your life is valuable and should not be wasted.

These questions will help you find a master-level spiritual coach.

I’ve been doing this for over 20 years, feeling pulled to the spiritual world as a child. I started with the Merkaba meditation before becoming an expert in meditation and creating the Origin Activation modality. I now am a healer, challenger, and spiritual coach for others who want to follow a similar path. I’ve worked with over 10,000 people in the last five years alone.

If you think you could benefit from my coaching, I hope you will reach out.

I’m on a mission to awaken humanity.