How Time Works in Different Dimensions

In this dimension (the third dimension), we view time as linear.

If you kick a ball right now, it will roll forward for a few seconds and stop. So, seconds from this moment, the ball will be in a different physical space.

If you want a career right now that you aren’t qualified for, you have to work for months or years to get the proper certifications, apply for the job and land the position. So, years from this moment, you will be in a different professional place.

Time is a limiting factor for our dimension that doesn’t exist in higher dimensions.

This is a concept I’ve wrestled with a lot. As I’ve moved into other dimensions, time ceases to be linear. It is a very disturbing thing to realize at first. It can make it hard to measure our activity in other dimensions since we are so used to considering time as a constant.

Time in Higher Dimensions

Understanding how time works in other dimensions requires first considering how time works in the third dimension where we are physically present. The third dimension moves past the point (first dimension) and plane (second dimension) and into the cube. The fourth dimension is more of a tesseract, or moving cube that continues to unfold itself.

With that very surface-level understanding of dimensions in mind, let’s look at how time changes and can be used to improve our manifestations.

Time in the Third Dimension

The understanding you have of time in the sense of aging, clocks, and deadlines, is all rooted in the third dimension. The sense of time in this dimension is always traveling forward for us; it doesn’t stop and it doesn’t reverse.

In the third dimension, we cannot access or change things in the past, and we have to wait for things that are set in the future. While it seems normal, this understanding of linear time is not truly a constant.

You have to let go of the concept that time should be linear.

The beliefs and understanding of humanity largely hinge on time existing in a linear fashion. Our entire understanding of history is based on the concept of time marching onward. Time is the reason we have regrets and hold grudges. Time causes stress, and it creates limits for what we deem possible. When we let go of this limited view of time, we open ourselves to so much.

It is very hard to break out of the mentality that time is not an absolute line. Our understanding of gravity, physics, quantum mechanics, general relativity, algebra, and geometry all use time as a parameter.

In reality, time is different as you cross into different dimensions.

We process our understanding of the universe through our personal filters. If we are able to remove those, we can access a deeper understanding of how time operates.

Time in the Fourth Dimension

In the fourth plane, time is like a spiral. There are some interesting concepts connected to time travel that are attached to the fourth dimension.

When you are in the fourth dimension, you are able to see time in a large loop or spiral. It is swirling around you and you can access various points. You will realize that things throughout time (both forward and backward) are still impacting you and tied to your action.

In this fourth dimension, you will want to take the time to get to know your ancestors and gain their wisdom. You should also make things right in any karma issues that could hold you back as you climb higher. You may meet guides there as well. This plane gives you a vantage point far beyond the third dimension.

You will have an opportunity to impact the world in a nonlinear way.

In the fourth dimension, you will see how time in the third dimension is extremely limiting. You will see how there are multiple timelines that may or may not converge or ever manifest.

Here in our third dimension, we deal with time as a nonstop force forward. In higher dimensions, time is no longer a constraint.

Time in the Fifth Dimension

As you move up higher into the fifth dimension, you realize that time doesn’t exist in any shape; there is only one moment that encompasses all.

When you are able to access this dimension, you can place your intentions there. As you anchor those intentions through the fourth dimension and to the third dimension, you can manifest your visions here in the third dimension quickly.

Rather than take the normal steps of working through the timeline, you can put things out into the fifth dimension and have them manifest here in the third dimension.

When you vibrate at a fifth-dimension frequency or higher, you can manifest outside of time. This makes the realization of your intentions much faster in this timeline. While there will still be some delay here, it won’t be as slow as if you were manifesting in the third dimension alone.

So, let’s say you really wanted that change of career we discussed at the beginning of this article.

If you take your intention to the fifth dimension, you will still have to work through the certification process in real-time here. Not because that length of time is needed for your education, but because our current three-dimensional human systems will require linear time spent achieving certification. Limiting factors in this dimension will come into play.

However, the job searching process will be shortened because your manifestation has already been placed. And, the professional development will go far faster because you aren’t bound to professional development in this timeline.

Working in the fifth dimension opens up a kind of loophole for life lived in the third dimension.

Learning to Harness Time Through Higher Dimensions

When you stop viewing time as a constraint, you will be able to harness it for your benefit. Suddenly, the whole world is at your disposal and you realize the potential is unlimited for what you can accomplish during your time in the three-dimensional space.

Transcendence to higher planes isn’t easy with all of the baggage we carry in our limited, finite minds. You will need practice and guidance to access the higher dimensions and anchor your intentions.

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If you are really looking to open up to all 13 dimensions, you will want to learn my modality, Origin Activation. To provide this understanding, I will offer a full year of private calls to help you personally accomplish incredible goals.